
Find your next great hire fast

SmartHire combines our world-leading AI matching technology, #1 candidate audience, and market expertise.

Hire faster

Access large new talent pools of quality candidates

Outsource hiring admin

Our specialists source, screen, schedule interviews and more

Risk free hiring

Pay nothing until you find the right person

Fill in the form to find out more about SmartHire

I have hiring needs in the next 3 months
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Make hiring easier with our specialists

Attract more candidates​

Standout from the competition and attract more applications through our SmartHire referral program

Access expertise

Our specialists can help craft your hiring strategy to attract and secure the best candidates for the role​

Choose your level of service

We work alongside your business to understand your needs so you can choose the service you need​

Note: SmartHire is one of SEEK’s product offerings, fulfilled by Jobs DB Singapore Pte Ltd (Employment Agency License Number: 24C2640).