Hiring Advice Attracting candidates 5 Winning Questions to Ask Candidates
5 Winning Questions to Ask Candidates

5 Winning Questions to Ask Candidates

Gleaning enough about a candidate to determine whether they are the best fit for a role is challenging, especially when you don’t have time for a long drawn out interview session. In order to gather as much information as possible in a short period, it is imperative to ask the right questions.

With targeted questions, you can get a clearer idea of their skills and experience. You will also be able to get a better grasp of their conversational skills, problem-solving skills, and ability to think on their feet.

Use both specific as well as broad-range questions, this way, you will be able to find out about both their skill fit and culture fit – the best way to assess a candidate! 

1. What have been your proudest moments at work?

While it’s important to hire someone who can do the job well, you also want to hire an employee who takes pride in their work. This question allows candidates to share a career highlight and gives you the chance to understand the type of work that makes them feel fulfilled.

2. What made you want to apply for this position?

This is one of the best interview questions to ask because it delves into the specifics of the job role. It shows how carefully the candidates have read the job description and also gives them the chance to share why or how they feel they’d be a good fit. A well-crafted answer will exemplify the skills the candidate has, as well as the skills he or she would like to develop.

3. Tell me about a difficult work situation and how you overcame it.

Everyone has experienced challenging circumstances at work, and often it’s in these moments that one grows the most. This question allows the candidate to express the ways they perform under pressure, their ability to manage stress, and showcase their problem-solving skills.

4. Why are you leaving your current employer?

When you ask this question, pay close attention to how the candidate talks about their former job. Are they focusing on the negative aspects, or do they err more on the positive side by addressing their hopes for the future? The interviewee’s ability to show respect for their previous employer and workplace demonstrates their civility and professionalism, which are two essential attributes in any role.

5. How would you describe your own working style?

While you don’t want to build a completely homogenous team, you do need to make sure that new additions to the team do not throw a major wrench into the current status quo. For that reason, it’s important that you ask each candidate about their working style. Do they take on a collaborative approach or do they work independently? Are they more of a self-starter or do they require a lot of direction? A team that works together, stays together – so pick your team mates well!

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